Partnership with GMES on follow up continental initiative of Africa Monitoring of the Environment for sustainable development
Collaboration with THE NIPPON FOUNDATION on NF-POGO (Partnership for Observation of Global Ocean) on early scientist training and data collection
Collaboration with European Union on ASTRAL (All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, Profitable and Resilient Aquaculture) with the goal to increase value & sustainability for integrated multi-tropic aquaculture (IMTA) production
Establishment of toxicity ranking for common heavy metals in the Nigerian environment and susceptibility ranking of some estuarine animals to intoxication by the identified metals
Identification of the sources, distribution and biological effects of some inorganic and organic pollutants and industrial effluents
Geological and Geophysical survey (bathymetry, current and sediment) of Lagos Lagoon, Benin Escravos, Forcados
Survey of heavy minerals in Nigerian Coastal waters for possible identification of economic mineral deposits